While I was travelling in Yunnan at the same time I was reading a book „Niebo w kolorze Indygo” written by Polish writer and traveler- Anna Jaklewicz. She used to live in China for two years and as well she was a guide here. I think one year ago she went for a travel for four months to discover Chinese minorities in most famous parts of China. Everything I was reading in this book was happening to me as well. While travelling in Yunnan, everyday I would met unique people from different Chinese minorities. Women who are purely beautiful in their traditional clothes, selling fruits on the market. That’s the beauty of travelling. You just randomly meet women from Yunnan minorities while taking the local bus to your next travel destination. Isn’t it magical? Together with Magdalena we couldn’t resist taking the photos of them and just admiring these lovely ladies. Mostly we saw Hani, Yao, Dai and Yi minorities.
Here They Are :
Take a look at the hand-made decorations on her clothes.
The above lady was our Angel. When she smiled I can’t describe how her face was delicate and pure. She couldn’t speak Mandarin but she was such a perfect model that I think every break of our bus journey we were taking photos of her and she never said ‚no’ to us.
What was quite special is that while taking the local buses I was reading this book with the photos of the ladies from these Chinese minorities. Women who were with us in the bus were so curious about it, they wanted to see the book and they were speaking to each other and describing other minorities and telling us who they are. A M A Z I N G!
and the last, youngest Beauty 😉
Amazing pictures!
Dziekuje Pedro 😉